Picture of a nice neighborhood viewed from the street.

5 Things That Make A Great Neighborhood

Everybody wants to know that their neighborhood is a good one. Fortunately, there’s no shortage of excellent neighborhoods out there. If you are looking for a good neighborhood to move to, or wondering how to make your neighborhood better, here are some suggestions from your friends at Advanced Waterfront to help you make that happen.


  1. Local Activities

One thing that helps determine a strong neighborhood is the community of it, which often features most prominently in local activities, particularly outdoors. Having easy access to places to jog, or bike, or have cookouts, or relax at the park are great indicators that you’ll have a positive neighborhood experience.

  1. Public Transport

Is the place within easy reach of public transportation? This is a valuable addition to any neighborhood, helpful to people of all ages. Public transportation tends to be even better for the neighborhood when it’s brand new.

  1. Shopping

Everything depends on the life of the economy. If your neighborhood is near good shopping, that financial boost will surely increase the value and quality of the neighborhood, besides making life more convenient for you and your family.

  1. Schools

Regardless of whether or not you have kids, neighborhoods near schools have a general perception as places with secure and friendly environments, which helps immensely to strengthen the neighborhood sense of community.

  1. Personal Interest

As important as anything else that can improve your neighborhood is how much interest you take in its wellbeing. A sense of pride in your community is often reflected in unexpected ways in how that community is viewed by others.


Our team of experienced realtors is at your service to help you choose a home and a neighborhood that you will be happy in and proud of. If you’re looking for waterfront property in the Connecticut and Long Island Sound area, contact us today and let us help you find the perfect home for you.